Friday, June 26, 2015

Hero brand creation

Part 6 of our "Hero branding" series

You as business owners are an unprecedented group of individuals in society; you have fought, struggled and managed to build an enterprise which, without you, would not exist.

Far from being just a set of bricks and mortar, the story that has brought you to where you are today contains some compelling features that, if told properly, can be a source of inspiration for others.  Your story is not just compelling, but also the key to:
  • open up doors to new and fruitful opportunities
  • increase revenue by strengthening your relationships with existing and new customers and clients
  • instill a sense of purpose in your company which will be far reaching, enlivening your staff
So let's bring your ‘heroic story’ to life.  In an initial meeting we must first recognize and document the essential ingredients of your business.  We need to know why you do what you do.  We require a charted time-line of milestone events in your business history.  As an astute filmmaker or author would do, we conduct a brainstorming session with these vital elements to identify which key emotional triggers of your story need to be developed to form a consistent narrative thread that will engage with your chosen demographic. Solid research, imagination and astute editing allow us to add texture, colour and structure to your business story.

Once our writer/s are satisfied with the first draft of your story, a copy will be sent to you for your review and feedback.  We believe in total collaboration with our clients in order to produce our finest, most authentic work.  Together, we continue to develop this story until you're entirely satisfied.  After all, your story will be the core of your hero branding and the foundation for all your other marketing communication in the future.