Monday, March 30, 2015

Recognizing your business story

Part 5 of our "Hero Branding" series 

When people connect with a business they are not just connecting with a commodity but a living, breathing organism that they have chosen over all the other businesses vying for their attention.

People connect on different levels with companies but the ones that achieve ongoing success, and are of the most interest, are those that invest emotional capital into their brand to create meaningful and long-lasting connections.  All companies are trying to find this missing ingredient which can give them a wide appeal; the 'X Factor' some may say.  At Cowan and Partners we believe finding this inexplicable quality is simple - the answer is right on your front door.

The focus of your business, going forward, will be the most powerful resource you have available to you: your story.  Why is this so powerful?  Your story will resonate the truth, appealing to the hopes and aspirations of those people you wish to connect with.  They will be the biggest allies in helping you grow your business.  There is a hero in all businesses who can become the leaders that set the tide in motion.

The first step in this journey is recognizing the story which will be your foundation for all future communications and reverberate throughout your whole company.  We do this by taking you through an extensive consultation which will reveal the very fabric of your business.  We get to know the real you, your beliefs and values,  your business journey that led you to where you are today, your current situation and challenges, and your vision for the future.  We establish who you need to reach, your available budget and the effective plan to achieve your objectives.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What's your business story?

Part 4 of our "Hero Branding" series

We believe every business has a meaningful, heroic story.  

Telling this story in a distinctive, powerful and entertaining way is the key to creating a deep, long-lasting emotional bond with clients, customers/fans and employees.  Let's dig deep to find your compelling story of purpose.

Every business has a hero story with a meaning that goes beyond the mere limitations of a standard offering.  Maybe it is not your natural instinct to look back.  However, in your life you have been inspired by other people telling their stories of overcoming incredible odds and personal heroes who have taken a stand for what they believe in.  Yet has it ever crossed your mind that the set of circumstances that has brought you and your business to where you are today contain the very same ingredients as those stories which have personally inspired you?

Obviously having the ingredients is not enough.  You need to be able to recognize which parts of your life and your business's journey can be packaged to engage with your relevant audience.  We understand that most people are not storytellers by nature and we know that your time is precious, dedicated to making important business decisions now.  Cowan & Partners can work with you to recognize, package and communicate the inner narrative which will make your business an essential, advancing force in the market.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Every business can be a hero brand

Part 3 of our "Hero Branding" series

The art of telling one’s story has seemingly been lost on most businesses that may think that the world of inspiration lies solely in dark rooms with projectors, in concert halls and sports stadiums.

As the world becomes ever more saturated with little to no distinction between the offerings of different companies, tomorrow’s industry leaders will be those who recognize within themselves their purpose and what they stand for.

This accomplishment will not be limited to a privileged few.  Far from it!  You may ask “How can my accounting firm or cleaning company inspire others?” Every idea and service you provide, as well as each success you enjoy as a business, follows initial sacrifices and challenges which required drive, determination and passion to overcome.  Businesses are unique in that they have a ready-made, inner built purpose whose very make-up can wield a force which is as powerful as those stories that drive people to cinemas, purchase music for their iPods and cheer for their favourite sports team on the weekend.  Your business has an important purpose – it’s now a case of packaging and articulating this purpose through everything you do.