Saturday, April 26, 2014

TV ads: first entertain

People switch on the TV, and turn on other broadcast mediums, primarily to be entertained by drama, action, comedy, reality/talk/game/talent shows, sports, music and even news content these days (if we’re honest with ourselves.)  So, when to be entertained is the purpose for tuning in, why is the bulk of advertising seen and heard via these channels so bland, having precisely the opposite effect of what entertainment offers?  Surely, the first criteria for any broadcast advertisement  – before announcing key benefits of the product/service/brand – must be that it entertains on some level in order to engage with the audience that the advertiser is appealing to.  Unfortunately, in most cases those producing the ads just maintain the status quo and adhere to outdated marketing theories.  Consequently the advertisers' dollars are wasted, and the audience largely switches off to their message.  With restrictions lifted on new ideas, and the willingness, energy and creativity to develop entertaining ads, it would be a different story.